Thursday, November 11, 2010

The long weekend!!!

So, as you all realized the long weekend is starting!
That is the most fantastic thing in this whole week, actually. OK, there was 2 appeals at school, but none of them was interesting...
2morro I'm planning to go shopping with Eliza and by myself some earring hooks and other things from that "category". Then I gonna probably go shopping with my mum for some sweatshirts or sweaters and a present for my dad's birthday... I'm wondering what am I going to give him...

Totally can't w8 till the Hangover2!!!

I don't have really a subject of writing right now so I'm ending this wonderful post.


  1. You have no subject to write so that means you are bored! And I'm having fun at my aunt's. My cousin is turning 18 so it's a partytime!!!
    Have a nice day.

  2. That is really, really interesting!
    I WILL have a nice day.
    Wish your cousin Happy 18 from me :)
