Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Why do I keep doing it???
OK, I actually wouldn't come back here at all it's just I have PET exam in this Saturday and I really wanna pass it and I figured out that writing this blog really helps me with my english ;))) So no I just gotta try to make all of my sentences in here correct and I have the first speaking training behind me... Shiiiiiit, you wouldn't believe how scared I am! Ok, relax I'll pass!
So basicly I'll try to guess their questions.....

So, what's your name?
My name is Agnes Johnson (Agnieszka Jaśkowska).

I have a question, when they'd ask what's my name, do I say only the name or name with surname???

Ok. spelling is easy.....

What's your hobby?
(Eeeeeeeeeeeee......tell the truth???)  I've got lots of hobbys connected with art, but if I had to choose just one it would probobly be making jewelry... I love it! (Would it take 30 seconds?)

Hmmmm, describing a picture is easy as long as they have colourful pictures.....

All in all I think I have nothing to worry about....... :))))


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