Saturday, July 2, 2011


So yeah, it's the beginning of 2 months of chillaxing and peace.

I so sorry for just disappearing like that, but writing here kinda became a thing i must do, not that i do cuz i want to. And that's not really a good way for havin' a great blog.... So welcome back and I don't promise anything now, cuz i don't wanna disappoint you.

Summer is here ^^
Now it's kinda foggy and rainy, what, how the tv says, it's going to last 2 weeks.... damn..... -.-

I've got my new phone now, probably s you already know.... I totally luuuuuuuv it :3 It has many many apps and other cool stuff, which i hadn't had in my last phone.....

I already had PET exam and i gotta tell ya, it went really cool. Of course i was scared as hell, especially when the only friend on this exam didn't show up, but when i saw the kids, who was taking the exam i said to myself "you can do it" and things kinda changed..... God bless all the children there.... Those parents making them take this exam in the age of 10.... Shit, i'm thankful for my parents..... Let's write it down:

Reading and Writing
Cool, i read everything pretty fast, mostly everything was clear for me, i wrote 2 letters, 1st about eeee don't remember, the 2nd was cool, cuz we had to recommend some shops to an english friend and i wrote some made up stuff like "Cupcake Evening" or "Deep in the woods".... It went well.

All was easy and i understood everything, I had some doubts, but that's normal...

OMG, the examinator was sooo cool, I spoke so much sometimes she just said "excuse me" and started another question.... I was actually the first one to take it, cuz i filled an questionnaire really quick and there was me and some kind of a boy called Kuba, which was weaker than me ;P

Because of the fact i went first for speaking, I finished 2 hours sooner, than i was spoused to. I hadn't had my phone with me, cuz it was not allowed, so i had to w8 for my mum to pick me up  hours in the university... It was kinda fina, they had this coffee machines, some interesting posters... it was nice...

I would put some pictures here, but i can't cuz i'm in Miłomłyn....

So byyeeeee! have a nice holiday ;)
I gotta make my resolution list come true ^^

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