Saturday, October 27, 2012

we will stand tall

I knooow it's been a really long time, whatever.
so there was this day a week ago, that I decided to wake up at 6 o'clock and make some photos of the sunrise, just have a nica walk and be taken a breath by the beauty of the nature. I was really surprised to actually go out as I wanted to, the world was just wonderful. after coming back I immediately jumped into bed and slept another 5 hours :3
anyways, this is what I (and photoshop) created back then:

and my favorite one

today there was kind of a first snow thing going on outside, it was actually ice falling from the sky in a really large amount. although it's October I can already feel th spirit of Christmas :)

craft update? I'm making cards, trying to do sth with the secondhand shop clothes and just being messy. haha also, I sewed my cat a batman halloween vest and it's adorable :D

it's late, see you whenever :)

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