Friday, November 30, 2012

it's the most beautiful time of the year

It's the end of November, this week and my last weekend of freedom without studying to the exams as my repetition books arrive on Monday. I suppose this weekend we're going to make gingerbread cookies, which leads me to thinking about my gingerbread house project. this year I'm going to use some american methods, real frosting and I was thinking of creating a quite complicated building, we'll see.

as for now, I'm making a couple of cards a week, I'll have to send like 20 of them, so i have to start preparing, how much will the stamps cost.... :(
feeling quite stupid putting here photos of my cards, but I guess I'm not working on anything more right now

 not christmas related, still it's here :D

ok, the lantern candle kind of thing on my previous post was the inspiration for this one

isn't that reindeer sooo cute :3

one of the first ones

haha this one I actually made as a open up card, but I attached everything the wrong way and I had to cut the fold :D

again, not related

I'm starting to think of making my 3rd dress, I haven't shoved you the 2nd yet, but here's the deal. a friend of my want that dress for the 3rd year prom thing and the only thing that is not finished in it is the zipper, which goes all the way on the back, which allows me to fit it exactly on the person I want to. my friend and I are still thinking about it, no need to hurry, but since it's all done from the front, I could finally publish it here :)

on the 6th of December there is a TEDx conference in my town and you have to send them a formula with your personal stuff, answer some questions and then they will decide if you can go or not, the number of seats is limited and I really really really wanna gooo, keep your fingers crossed for me, please :)

some othen news, one direction finally got their new album out and I really expected something better from them. seriously, after listening to 'little things' I really hoped they will release a mature, really different from the other one, great album. what it is, is the repetition of their fisrt album, it's even worse, because it's the SECOND god damn it! they really disappointed me, I guess what I have to do is just wait for the 3rd one listening to 'little things'....

I'll end this wonderful post with a wonderful song:

merry christmas in November, everybody

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