Friday, December 14, 2012

dancing in the moonlight

first of all:
weeelll. the Christmas season started, my trial exams are finally over (didn't went that well if you're wondering :)), this means I'm too excited to live and I have to kill myslelf  :] it's so weird, everyday for the passed 3 months I said I want Christmas so badly and tried to prepare myself for it the best I can, cuz as usually there is not much time there and everything is so last minute, I really tried to avoid it and look with what I'm left 2 weeks before Christmas - the house (except my room) is not decorated, really hope to get some stuff this weekend; I haven't even thought of starting my gingerbread house project; generally, I'm not quite prepared as I would have hoped....
anyway, a couple of days ago I created a pink tulle Christmas tree, check it out:

it stood there at first, with the fake snow all over it, then I figured, why not put some lights on it?

ttaaa daaaaa soooo christmasssyyyyy

*sparkle sparkle*

of course, I ended up doing my nails wintery too


also, we had this thing on the 6th of December at school, generally we celebrated the st. Nicholas day and this is what was laying in my room:

cool, ha? (also, I have to buy candy canes )

I borrowed "A Christmas Carol" from the library to feel the spirit of Christmas :)

byeeee, have a woderful pre-holiday time

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