Tuesday, February 19, 2013

we'll watch the world from above

yep, just reminding everyone I'm still alive, i have my winter break till the 24th, so I'm just enjoying the freedom of my mind in these last days. I've gone to play pool today and it was a great fun, the actual play is really relaxing, easy and pleasant. love the atmosphere and the whole looking bad-assy.

we had a new shop opened in our neighborhood, you can find all sorts of deco and art stuff, I'm super glad it is there, I haven't seen such a huge stamping section anywhere and earlier to get anything I had to travel by bus like 20 minutes, which really unmotivated me and made everything so loooong.I'll have to grab some money and go buy the whole fucking store, it's gonna be a good day :)

on some other news, I was thinking to start selling all the stuff I make, maybe some old (but new) clothes, handmade things. maybe I'll start a new blog stylized to be a little shop of mine, we'll see. 

I can't really think of anything else to write here, so I guess have a nice week and see you soon!

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