as you may realize I was not here for like a week, but seriously, everyday I'm back home at 7, i do my homework, eat something, hang out with my family, relax and it's already 11pm..... I'm sorry, but I'm pretty proud of myself that I'm able to write this post right now.
starting with the news, yesterday (i can't believe it was yesterday....) there was a gangnam style flash mob on długa street in Gdańsk, if course I was there, unfortunately not dancing, I was too busy to come to the trainings, because pf the drawing classes I'm having... well, the flash mob, for me, was quite a failure, just some disorganization shit. first of all, for me a flash mob should be something unexpected, there should be a random crowd just walking on the street and then the music starts playing, some of those "random" people start do dance out of nowhere and surprised people start to make a circle around them to see whats going on. you won't be able to see it on a video, but here everybody knew what was the deal, so before everything started, the1billion people audience created circle around an empty space to let the dancers do their thing there and we waited there for an hour to see their performance, which everybody knew about. why? they announced it on facebook, who the heeelll has done that, just the stupidest thing ever, the dance wasn't even worth the waiting. I was on the back, because the crowd on the front was sooo tight (it was impossible to see anything having 160 cm height) and people dancing there didn't even knew the routine. yeaaa I know I'm being a bitch here, I'm sure it was hard to collect so many people, but it just shouldn't be called a flash mob, that's all. here, see it for yourself:
changing the subject, I signed in for a thing called, it's a project, which involves sending a postcard to a random person all around the world and when this person gets it, you recieve one from a different random person, it's really fun. I've been searching for something like that for ages and finally found it, you can send maximum 5 cards at once,so of course I'm sending 5 cards to my randomly selected people, I'm trying to do it since last week, but it;s just so much I want to put on a postcard.... it's just suuper fun, here are my cards, I hope to pick some to send, but I keep tangling in my thoughts....
and there's one I made by myself:
I know it's not fenomenal, but I was trying to get this handmade effect. and it has an embossed effect to it, it's a technique in stamping I'm still trying to get:
is that even seeable? the whole thing is covered in transparent smooth music notes. not my best side.
also, I was thinking of creating a postcard using old leafs, I picked some today on my walk, they are absolutely beautiful, I can see the winter coming. maybe put some shells... btw i was on a beach today, like the first time since like 2 years ago and I live a couple of bus stops from the sea :D
and speaking of scrapbooking, I'm currently out of paper, but I try to keep on track, I made 2 bookmarks yesterday for my sis:
she was really pleased :)
today I ordered some studs online and I hope to get them on the beginning of this week. they are quite unusual, I bought some anchors, hearts and round flat ones. I'll for sure post a photo when they arrive.
continuing on the crafts, I just got a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge pack of old (that's just hilarious, they are barely worn) clothes from my sister's friend and I have sooo much clothes to find a way to wear, sew something off, on, just think about them. also, I found a cool way of remaking huge tshirts into a cool "oversized" ones, I'm gonna present it to you in the next post. btw my dress is hanging on my manequine almost finished, I just can't end this torture!
at the end I have an artistic photo of Gdansk:
when I took it I couldn't see it on my camera, but I told my friend sth like "this is going to me a marvelous photo" and it is :D
so that's it for today, I have to do stuff for tomorrow, I can't believe the weekend is over....