Sunday, September 16, 2012

when the top of the world falls on you

ohhhh god, what a nice atmosphered evening :)
hello to everyone, today I was trying to figure out a way to get my store working as I would like it to, visited bizilions sites, at least I have a basic idea of how would it all look like.

today I'm bringing you my yesterday's treat - hot chocolate with marshmallows:

 gooosh it was soooo goood... and it was actually the first time I made hot chocolate by myself and didn't screw it up :) I feel like this is becoming my classic fall-winter thing, that just makes the evening nicer. my cat was just so crazy about the marshmallows I had to hide them in a cute wintery can, they look adorable. sometimes i wonder how would I survive without tea.... it's just the best little thing ever!

here's a bracelet I made like a thousand years ago:

it's too basic to exist, but if you do like an arm party, it works amazingly .
in my previous post I showed you some ribbon earrings I made, I really liked the idea of it, so I made another 3 pairs, all made out of the ribbons I got for my birthday:

it's an artistic (autistic) photo and a little preview of how I want my products on my store site to present.

a little zoom in

after buying ELLE magazine yesterday I decided to pull it all together and just orginize all of them to keep them in one place, I realized how many of them I have, seriously I can't remember buying a half of them! also, i cleaned my room, because I just psychically couldn't stand the mess, now I burned some candles here and it is like super cozy, I can feel winter already :]

you can see a vogue I got a year ago (???) on my birthday :)
and here you have just an old song, too cool to get too old:

love all of you,

1 comment:

  1. We love U2
    Hot chocolate is fuckin awesome every time <3
