Sunday, May 15, 2011

It's Monday 2morro :C


So I did everything I had to do. I made some exercises from Maths, which I hope will guarantee an A, I reminded everything from Chemistry, my sis didn't take me photos thou... But she'll take them someday ;) 
Hmmm what else? I went to church. It was boring as hell, but at least I've been out of the house ;]
And I'm not dead, so that's OK.

I tried to download Suicide room, which was in polish cinemas some time ago. It was one link, but it turned out to be some kind of a triller movie... About a guy woke up in his grave of so'in' ....I'd rather want to get a comedy... -.-
I realized I'm a little bit of a claustrofobic... I just couldn't watch this poor guy havin nothing accept a lighter and phone. He did made some phone calls but nobody actually understood him. It was in Irack or so'in'. Sad movie....

But now I hafta SMILEEEE ;)
Holidays are coming! 39 days left! 4 weeks of school.... Can't wait!

I gotta put a comedy on my mp4 player... Donno yet what it will be... I'll figure out something from my sis...

Ok, you know what? I'm going to bed.....


for my sis

Wooow *.* soo colourful and positive ;)


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