Yeaaaaa I know.... -.- ages since my last visit......
But whatever! A wonderful, warm, well remembered season is here!
What did you missed? ^.^
I have been in Starbucks like 5 times ;) It was AWESOME! The best thing is that the service is super nice and they ask your name, so they can write it on your cup. So adorable....
Hmmmm I've got most of the money I need for my new phone... Goosh I can't wait!
I have seen the movie "Limitless" and as I though it was great! Bradley Cooper was just gorgeus! Luv him ♥
What else? I have spined my little business, and that's where I got like 1/3 of money for my phone so... I'm pretty excited. And there's this psycho-fan of mine (I'm praying she doesn't know my blog address), who is hmmm... donno how to say it.... weird. She asked me about the earrings and it was ok and then she asked me could we talk more often about this stuff and other and I'm like o.O okkkeeeyyyy o.O So basically I'm popular.... I don't even know what that girl wants to achieve... like free jewerly? But I'm not gonna let her get me!
I started skateboarding again and I'm learnin' Ollie right now. Let's say it's not that bad ;)
God, you have missed really a lot.....
My lovely cousin came over for a week and it was the most hmmm... fantastic week for a really long time in Gdansk....
And yesterday it was really sunny in the morning so I just put on my t-shirt and went to school. But the weather kept getting colder and clouds kept getting gray, and suddenly it started heavily raining... -.- I went home with water draining from me ;) But it was fun.....;]
Today was raining all day but the following days will get warmer, that's the only thought it's keeping me alive right now.... Ok, maybe the sun behind the window is preventing my death.....
So yep, I'm back....
Now I'm just chillaxing with a cup of tea in my hand and lengs over my desk.....
Hhahaha soon I'm gonna write here from my new phone with qwerty :3 Isn't that weird I'm making money myself for a new phone? Oh and did I mention I have a credit card? ^.^ Like my own pin and everything... I can pay with in in the shops... haven't done it yet actually but I'm definitely gonna share with you my first credit card payment ^.^
So glad the sun is back here *.*
U know what, I'm gonna give up the whole english - polish thing, cuz polish is a language not worth to learn ;P
I'm gonna put here 'song of the day' instead ;)
I started to listed to them again and I gotta tell ya, this song is not that bad actually ;)
Ok, CU ;*
I think you have a spelling mistake. You wrote "lensg". First I read it "lungs" and I thought what the hell are you doing... XD
And Polish is one of the most difficult languages in the world. It's even more difficult than Chinese. Remember that.