Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hollywood is dead

Hahah it's the second post today :)
It's just i was send to bed this early by my parents cuz of the whole school waking up thing and i really don't even consider sleeping right now... Probably just gonna stand up as soon as they will be asleep and finish watching gossip girl :D ahh i'm just wondering how my life will turn out to be after finishing gimnazjum... Cuz i've found this school i wanna go to and it will be just fantastic! It's in a different town i live in which means i will have to travel by train :) haven't told you the best part - the school is like 10 feet from Lola's cupcakes which is the very first cupcake company in Trojmiasto AND Hashi Sushi which is the best sushi company in Trojmiasto! *.* it will be just dreamy to go to school there!

You know what are my the most hidden dreams? To win a lottery of find a way to earn a lot of money and just go ahead and buy an apartment away from this parental crap, controling everything i do and all of this shit... Yeah i know it's nearly impossible and if i told it to any adult she/he would probably laugh at me and tell me that their dream were exactly the same, but i'm a believer! "you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one" .
Aaah Niedzwiednik looks sooo beautiful at night ;) like every place i've been to. Sometimes i wish someday i could have walks at night with my husband and don't care about tomorrow. Just have the ability to say "i'm happy" .

You know how people say money won't make you happy? Well, i did some thinkings lately and i think that money is a total basic if it's about happiness. Cuz there's nothing and i mean NOTHING i'm doing now that is not helping me find a way tl get money in the future and live wealthy. For example going to school is the only thing we really must do to not break the law. For what? Education to be specialozed in sth that we will do to GET MONEY. Now i'm writing this post cuz i wanna be better at writing and maybe someday my blog would have so high stats i'll actually get some profits from writing it. See?

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