It's fucking snowing again -.- It was already so warm and now - no comment -.-'
Just listenin' to Michael Buble and relaxin' :3
Sooo true.!
Ya know, my mom's gone somewhere for 3 days cuz of work or some'in, anyway she came back 2day and I realized how breakfasts she makes me are valuable ;] So:
I think i'm going to go to GB soon cuz I wanna make kinda this:
CUTE! <3 But I'm planning it to be smaller and a lot prettier ;P
I just realized something. 2day is the right day to put this one here:
I don't feel the freedom of Friday anymore ;/ It's just I have sooooo much work like from nowhere. -.- Ok I gotta think positive... This work for sure will lead me to something succesful ;] I hope.
Gooooosh, my English teacher is just the most horrible person ever! Truly hate her! I even think she's the most mean, stubborn and subjective teacher in this school ;/ Why can't she be normal? She acts like she's making us a huuuuge favor teaching us (if you'd call it like that) -.- God those people! ;]
Oh, I'd totally forget to tell ya, we was in the cinema for a theatre play 2day (what a nice rhyme^.^)
It was a complete disaster! The actores were totally lame and the whole show sucked - just tragedy -.-
My mather and father
my sister and brother
went to the zoo
to see a cangaroooooo!
Hahahahah ;)
Ya know what I like in my blog? That every post is different ;P
Gr8 song.! ;>
general - ogólnie
generally I hate when people talk only generally ;P
Excellent movie <3 (get him to the greek)
Gooosh, sooo cuuute!
C U!!!
Nie mam teraz muzgu zeby pisac po angielsku ale widze ze twoj blog beze mnie nie ma zadnych komentarzy. What a shame...