Wednesday, August 24, 2011

you can sit beside me when the world comes down

Hello, how are you?

It's just unbelievable that it's only 7 days of freedom left... I'm jealous of people who go to university now.... they have 37 days.... But whatevs, i'm gonna survive those 9 months and it would be summer again :D

So now i have to think about my school egiupment ... I want all of my notebooks be just white and i'll put some 'Tattoo Fest' stickers on them.... so rock 'n' roll :D

I've read like a half of my asirtevness book and i realized i don't need the rest.... Its all for pussys about fears, obstacles and 'how to not get angry' stuff... now i'll start reading 'power of the subconscious' ^^ it's a kind of new age crap, which i really like cuz of the movie 'the secret'... i've read it before, only a little bit, but i can tell it has a lots of stories about how thinking of something made it actually happen.... I  remember one of them. So there was a father and his daughter with cancer. He always told that he'd sacrifice his right hand, to make his daughter healthy. So one day he lost his hand in a car accident and his daughter magicly recovered. Just unbelievable... 
I watched a couple of movies lately... The Shawshank Redemption was just amazing. You all gotta see it, touching as hell.... hmmm Suicide Room, also really touching and it was one of those good polish movies, that are so rare right now... I noticed how weak and just lame someone has to be to actuallt comit suicide.It's just the dumbest thing to do in a tuff situation. You have a chance to start a better life, cuz you have nothing to lose and you choose death. It doesn't make sense to me.

Just a song from the movie 'Burlesque', it stucked in my mind.

I'm just starving, but im making room in my stomach for SUSHI ♥♥♥
Did i ever mentioned i fuckin' love sushi? I can't wait, my bro is coming for diner and my parents are ordering this fantastic Japanese food.... 

so true :D

♥(i want the new season ;/)

OMFG i want this fuckin' jacket!!!

See you in a better world :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

well hello mister fancy pants!

What a relief.... checking facebook and everything after a nice day of shopping and havin' fun with my bro.... maybe i am addicted, but im proud of it.OMFG  I bought myself some gorgeous vintage rings, I'm generally into rings right now :3 I would put here some photos if i had some camera available.... just believe me, they are fuckin incredible....
Also, i bought myself classic black sunglasses, i couldn't find anything better... hmmm a new kinda orange nail polish :)
Speaking of nails i found out my sis have this nail polish that cracks on your nails and it's really cool if the first layer is mint colour. that's the first one i came up with... it doesn't go with my vintage rings though, so right now i can't feel the awesomeness of wearing them...
I gotta pay for my 'lagoon blue' hair paint ^^ im wondering would the colour fade till the school year begin... cuz i donno would the teachers be cool with me having blue hair :D gooosh, can't wait!
So what I did todayyy? I went to carrefour with Wera and bought myself those rings... eat some chinese food... check out shoes for autumn - you know, now i have an idea of my birthday present :D i'm looking for black shoes, kinda these one, but i want lower heel, kinda square one, not to die wearing:
luv 'em  ♥

I've just arrived from z cute little ride to tesco with my bro, it was super dooper, they have this lil' wall full of  jellies and other sweets like that :D so yummyyyy... I bought a huuge chocolate milk, which kinda reminds me of those milks in american movies, ya know, with the holder to put an arm to :3 I'm a fatto.

So basically it was a fun day, thinking, that the last week was based on sitting home, watching tv and eating :D

Now im just listening to soundtrack of old movie, Chicago, i almost forgot about....

♥ me guustaaa

I'm thinking of some kick ass nails to paint....
sooo fucking bored ...


 hahaha like Barney always says in HIMYM

nooo shiiiiit :]


Byyyeeee :D

Friday, August 19, 2011

totally shit my pants this morning

OMFG today at like.. 10(?) there was like a storm of all times... I have windows placed on the roof, cuz my room is on the top floor and the rain was really loud, and there was like this huuuge BOOOOOM, when the storm hit something, that was very close.... i think it was something in the woods, cuz they are near to what i like to call bearville - the place i live in. so from that moment i slept curled up, with my blanket over my head... it was just a scary experience :D but we have really nice weather now... in fact i might consider going on a walk or to buy some breakfast... hmm... or I'll just eat toasts, i'll never get bored with them :)

Just realized we have no toasts... gonna be fine with caffeine-free coffie :D

Started to read ELLE magazine... this Fall will be crazyyy, super dooper colours and nice shoes... it's actually interesting, i've never been intrigued by this mazagine, cuz it's pretty cool, many wonderful photos, friendly style of writing, lots of fashion tips and everything so cheap.... it kinda reminds me of VOUGE.

I've lost/broken all my sunglasses.... have nothing to wear, i'm lucky there's no sun 2day.... gotta buy myself new ones.... i want these:
crazy and stylish <3

also, i want some new shoes to feel comfortable in school, now i'm a vintage fan, so here are the one im dreaming about:
vintage so adorable :3

my parents are out of house, so i've been spending a lot of time watching tv, generally Ftv, VIVA, Mtv, TLC and other cool shit, and i realized Mtv doesn't have those funny cartoons like this anymore:
I don't even remember what was this one's name, but i really miss it. Do any of you remember the show called 'made'? there was this intro - people saying kinda:
"I wanna be thin
I wanna be the queen
Be the best
I wanna be popular
I wanna be made
I wanna be made
It was about people who wanted to change something about themselfes, had their own coach, really inspiring show of my childhood, i used to watch with my sis, but now it's gone ;( been replaced by all of this 'Jersey Crue' or 'Battle of the Bods' shit.... sad....

Gotta go!



so awesome!

C u later! ;*

Thursday, August 18, 2011

dirtyyyy minds :D

Just watched  'The school of rock' ... again :3 can't help it,but it's just the movie of my life, like a movie i'll never forget. also, yeasterday i watched 'Fired up'.... again :D just a funny, cool comedy.
A couple of months ago i realized what's the soundtrack of my life:
from 'The hangover', can't wait for the 3rd part ^^ 2nd was just hardcore, but so fuckin' awesome *.*

what else? I decided to buy ELLE magazine now. I like the fact it's a kind of a cheap fashion magazine, i already 'ordered' VOUGE for my b-day, cuz i want it so baaaadly, but it's like top 10 the most expensive magazines ever. I just noticed i haven't told you what i'm generally readin' if it's about magazines , so:

1. All of those 'Glamour' and 'Shape' stuff from my sis
2. FOCUS, science magazines
3. Old Tattoo things from my sis
4. Teen crap like 'Twist' :D
5. ELLE ^.^

So 2day i found this really cool jewelry parts and beads shop with Izzy and i am sooo excited, cuz i found like a miniature spoons and forks, i can put into my sweet business stuff... it's super cute, totally gonna use it. I also found these kinda cheap necklaces, which are just adorable <3 little scissors and an old key, vintage :) I was so surprised, cuz me and Izzy was like 'Oh, i always wondered what's in this shop, maybe we will just stop by and check it out?' and it turned out it's so awesome we stayed there for like half an hour. and also there was this man, who i think tried to steal my things, which i acted really asertive to ^^

Actually, nothing more besides the fact i plan to go to 'Lola Cupcakes' :D gonna be super cool...

Shit, i gotta read some more books.... is this my foutl they are just not interesting? I have a few books to read:
1. P. S. I love you - i'm raading it like a month and i just can't finish, it's too damn beautiful
2. Asertivity - in progress
3. Architecture and art stuff - gotta work on it
4. Kurt Cobain's boigraphy
i hope to handle it....



Ohhh gooosh, i want a trip to NY or other cool big, american city :3

Ok, goodnight ;*

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

so it's finally time to say hello to my destination

You know i've decided to make this post a lil' reminder of my new year's resolutions, which was .... let's say there was just a lot of it :D
here's the post - CLICK!
1. Continue to be AWESOME! - done
2. Kick Mrs T's and Mrs K's ass in front of the whole class. - let's just say it's done cuz non of them believed in my genius, and they were sooo wroong ^.^
3. Cut my hair (cut my eizing, cut my hair pariraaa cut my hair, cut my mind!!! Naaa, just jokin') - totally done
4. Get 5 from Phisycs, Polish and History at the end of 7th grade... - done except Polish, but who cares :D
5. Continue my "cake" passion and actually sell somethin. - i'm happy to say it's done :D i got 23zł for my first pair of earrings i sold online ^^
6. Watch the european championship in figure skating ;** - i donno if i watched it.... probably not
7. Finish 7th grade with red stripe on my school leaving certificate (or how do they call it) - hell done
8. Watch some awesome movies with Johnny Depp and other good actores. oooooh yeaaaa it's still in progress. my life would be nothing without any good actores in it :)
9. Read all the psychological books I chose from the loft, all the Harry Potters, at least 1 part of twilight -.-' - shit, books don't atract me much, but now i have like 56635487652 books to read about art and stuff so... its gonna be a tough one.
10. Generally make me like reading books! - yeaaaa no comment :F
11. Start baking ginger cookies 2 MONTHS BEFORE christmas to make them soft for it ;P - unpossible to done right now.
12. Think positive!!!! -DONE
13. Make my nails look super awesome -done, i had some cool pictures at my nails, dots. stripes, even leopard and other cool shit :D
14. Keep my nails painted every day. - i got some few days rests, but yeah, it's done
15. Write 1 post every day IF I can. -hehehe that was kinda eeee... not good... i got 2 pretty long breakes, but that's not so much for a blog like that... and my statistics are still high, so there are people believing in me :D

16. Get high view at my blog ;) - as i said done
17. Play guitar a lot more
- yeaaaaa :]
18. Buy 10 baloons, write some wishes on them and let them fly into the sky! - i can't afford them now, but definitely gonna do it :D
19. Sew something pretty (or end sewing things I started) - I'm doing this one right now, it's going pretty good :)
20. Drink a tea every day (it's simply yummy and healthy;D) -of course it's done ^^
21. Find a phone or other thing to earn money for. - thanks to my little cake business i bought myself a new phone, i'm thinking of something else...
22. Continue skateboardin' and learn some tricks -.-' - partly done
23. Came up with the idea for havin' a kick-ass B- day! -still have nothing on my mind's getting closer :D
25. Make my hair pink!!! -actually im gonna make them blue, on the edges ^^ the paint is already ordered.
26. Spend an AWESOME new year's eve! -think i can figure out a way to do it.. with my cousins :]
27. Keep my room tidy -.- - i'm really surprised, but im actually keeping it pretty tidy from the tme of my make over ....
28. Get my ears pierced in at least 2 places more... - hhhmmmm i want an industrial in my ear, but mum says no... gonna get her permission someday :)

29. Buy myself some gorgeus clothes! (or find it in a secondhand ;] )
- oooh yeaa, done as hell :)
30. Exercise or find myslef a sport -.-' - hmmm not really ...
31. Keep all of the resolutions! ;P - partly done :D

So here they are - my 31 resolutions, everything to handle ...


this song just run into my head and can't get it's way out :D

aaaaaaa! so cute im gonna throw up :3

Byyyyyyyeeeeee  <3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

what the fuck is this? what the fuck was that?

Hey, hi, hello!
What's up, my little mindfuckers?

Cuz i'm extremely happy my parents are finally out of house :D know that's kinda mean to say it like that, but there's nothing better than a house without parents after midnight :) Besides they will now have time to chillax and bale from work . I have 15 days of freedom now... shiiitttt..... but all in all school is a good thing cuz it makes aware of the awesomeness of holiday :D Just like sickness and being healthy... you know i wasn't sick like a year? that's weird. anyway you get the point about school being good for us :]

I realized i have never told you what I did step by step during my day... so i wanna just do it now :D

So the first thing after i woke up (with a little help of some noise coming from outside) was getting dressed, make up etc. I went to library, i borrowed some books:
- Assertiveness
- Biography of Kurt Cobain (it kinda got my attention cuz of the real photos of his diary and the fact i know actually nothing about this sure interesting man)

Then i went shopping looking for some breakfast, i bought really delicous one :D ain't gonna tell what was that :) hmmmm I ate it (what a surprise ^^) and then my bro called from work, that he was obviesly bored with :D then i sew sth. yeaaaa, i'm a creative person now and im sewing myself a dress, its going to be awesome, will definitely send some photos when it's done. Then i kinda facebooked a little... actually i'm on facebook 24/7  in small breakes :D kidding, im not that addicted (ok, maybe i am) :D then what? I decided to watch some 'how i met your mother', cuz i've heard its pretty good... and i gotta tell ya... it isn't good.... IT'S FUCKIN' AWESOME!

then i was kind of bored and like walk through the house...check the fridge...walk further...check the fridge.... you get it.
i danced a little in front of the tv with my sis...

And so here i am :D sitting and blogging ...

I watched some movies lately. this movie called "Something borrowed"  was like super dooper boring and complicated, annoying, predictable just stupid.... the girl was a pussy, the boy was a dick with no balls. the end of story. gooosh, i can't believe this movie took 2 hrs fom my gorgeus life... it was what i like to call a romantic, emotional fart. but honestly saying i'm keen on those farts right now... like photos on are just so touching.... just look at these:



Is't it just beautiful?
Oh, and one other touching thing (for me) are some titles. like when i'll write a book i'm gonna name it like "they tried to save me" or "I'm not the only one" or "He tried to let me in" or "She felt it", you get it, right? like kinda misterious, but still romantic :3 am i sick? gosh, no one gets me, am i the only romantic in this world?

i put here some pics that really got me :3



OMFG im gonna throw up with this positiveness > . <

just pure beauty o.o i wanna go there!

Ok, bye, my fellas ;*
luv ya all <3

Monday, August 1, 2011


What's up, party people?
I'm writing from Miłomłyn, a small city, which I was visiting since I was born. This place became the escape from the tiring reality and enter to a whole new world full of kind, nice people, good weather, warm, happiness and relax. This place helped me to become the person I am now, meet new people, break my shyness and to remember - there's always some good in this world.

Just stopped by to share with you my PET results... ready?
I've got 91% summing all 4 papers (reading, writing, listening and speaking), which is pretty damn impressive... The best was listening, then reading and speaking, then writing... kinda weird cuz I'm writing this blog, aren't I?
 I'm really happy to see that everything worked well and my English  teacher won't be disappointed in me ;) I'm very proud of myself cuz I was the only student from the whole school taking this exam... It was kinda stressful, but totally worth it :) My parents and friends are proud of me and now I'm just wondering about taking another one... but that's too distant future to talk about it.

I was in the second hand shops 2day in Ostróda and I realized they are really cool... maybe cooler than in Gdańsk... but anyway I bought myself a black tie in white stripes and a leopard sleeping shirt, for the fabric of course ;) I'm planning to ask my parents to buy me a sewing machine for my birthday... It would be awesome to have one and be able to sew some clothes for myself :D can't wait!

What else?
I'm really trying to think seriously about my future and kinda prepare myself for finding a good university, taking exams, simply a well payed future. So now with a huuuge help of my dear friend I finally decided what I want to do in life and what I have to do now to achieve it. I wanna become someone connected with architecture, designing clothes, furniture or just someone creative, who can sell his creativity. I decided to practice my painting, drawing and everything connected with perspective, seeing the world and colors, shadows etc. Also, I wanna learn everything about the history of art, which is really interesting btw... So, in one word - I'm working really hard for the better future ;)

Hmmmm... think it's the end of this post.... not gonna put any photo cuz I can't....

Have a great holiday!