Thursday, March 31, 2011

Welcome to mystery

It's the second day of recolections (??)  and the fact what's killing me is what crap are they telling in the church... God, It's like life was created by the Devil... Just unbelievable! They are saying that when you take an advice from a fortune teller you're next 7 generations are cursed and now if you're havin' some problems with anything it means one of the past 7 generations have used the power of the Devil... Why do I have to go to listen to this bullshit? Also, I realized that the church is becoming something that tells us American people are happy but unaware and they are just trying and trying to make us more scared and to do nothing just pray, they trying to inform us that technology is a bad thing made by the Devil and that we're all controlled by all of these gadgets... Damn, the church and religion is old, but it doesn't mean that everything that's new must be bad! What are they turning those kids into...

Yea, I realized I'm not wearing any dresses lately and summer is coming, so it's time. I gotta sew something...

I have never told you, guys, which series I like, so here it is (from the most liked to the less) :
1. House MD
2. Sex and the city
3. Gossip girl
4. My name is Earl

I really looove all of them but of course Greg is the best ;)

Lately I noticed how great the band Plain White T's is. Starting from Delilah every song has something good in it. This is now my favorite:
And it's from the album Almost Alice, which also includes The Poison by AAR and some cool songs from other some bands. That's the album based on Alice in Wonderland movie. Johnny Depp has just brilliant in that movie. And the cat was kick-ass ;]


(N): She's right Serena. I mean, none of us are saints.
(B): Yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo.
(C): Several times.
(N): I had sex with you at a wedding, while I was her date.Once.
(C): I'm Chuck Bass.

zdecydować się - make up your mind
"I made up my mind
I'm not gonna waste no more time"

I wanna!!!!

Goodnight! ;*

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sweetest dream

I'm starting this post with a beoutiful song which is the best love song in the whole wide world and I'll fo sure never forget it <3

'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing 


Have you realized lie (ex. on the floor) and lie (ex. straight to the face) is spelled the same? Weird.

So what I have been doing all this time I haven't wrote anything here? Did I ever tell you how I earn for my little plesures? I make a cute little jewelery from modeling clay and silicone. Maybe I'll send you some pics one day ^.^ But anyway I'm selling it all over my classmates and I'm earning a looooot of money. I love it. Like every girl in my class has at least one earrings from me. The best feeling in the world is that when you actually see the girls wearing it very often. I'm actually making earrings for them all the time, when they are ordering one, after a while they ask for more. And it doesn't have end!!! So my design are some cookies with cream between them and with some extras at the bottom in cream of course. Also some muffins, donuts, cakes, just anythng my clients ask me to do ;)  It's really a fantastic "job". Yaa know I don't even have to go to school anymore ;] Naaaa only my friends think like that. But I'm sure not happy with going to school everyday ;P
The yyyyyy recolections(????) are gettin' closer!!! There's one day of school left and I just can't w8 to visit God! (naaa I fuckin' hate church but that's a fine place to quiet our soles down ;] )

What else? I watched "Life as we know it" to the end and it was not that bad. It was actually pretty cool. It tells a story about a couple of hating each other people, which must take care of their now dead friends' 1 year old child At first it's not going well but then the pair (guess what, right?) fall in love in each other and they live happily ever after. Not a good ending since there was a doctor hangin around with the woman which was way better in everything than "Messer" (Yeaaa that's the man's nickname. Lame.)

Did I mentioned that it's snowing again? Shit...
Ohh I miss summer..... Here's why:
- you can just wear flip flops on your feet and nothing else to leave home 
- badminton  <33
- swimming in the lake or sea and do not care about wet clothes, cuz they'll dry anyway
- ice creams *.*
- evening fireplaces with family at grandmas 
- my super-dooper cousins ;*** 
- watching stars at night ;)
- riding bikes
- the moments you need to spill something on yourself to keep cold 
- everything!!!!

 I haven't eaten nutella lately...



podwórko - yard 
Ohhh I miss that as well ;)

A gentelman cat at the end.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The one thing in the world you need is a little bit of hope.!


For the past few days I'm suffering from a cold. Yeaah like a cold is something you can SUFFER from ;] But it's f-ing killing meee ;/ Yesterday I even wasn't at school.... That's definitely NOT something you can suffer from (at first I wrote 'supper from').

2day I remembered the song 'Rape me' by Nirvana, which Elli had on her mp3, so in name of Curt Kobain here it is:

'Cuz I'm not the only one...

Also here you have the song I've got in my mind and it's about being gay (no it's not It's OK to be gay).

I'm on the right track, baby, I was bor this way <----- Sooooo god damn true...
 Lately I was playing with the whole water marble nail design stuff and it's soooo aweesomee *.* But now I'm too tired and full of chocolate, that I made only 4 nails which 3 of them is broken soo... not good. I got like 8 lacquers from my sis so THANX ;) ) (<-- fat face)

OMFG I made that plushie I told you guys about and it's super dooper ;] My new hobby I guess... How many hobbies do I have? Like 10000000000000000000?? Maybe more. Yeaa.

I started to watch the movie called "Life as we know it" and the first half was enyoing (good spelling?)  ;/ There ware some funny moments thou. Baby shitting into one guy's hat - fuckin' hillarious ;D But it was quite sad.
I WANNA PEE SO BADLY!!! but I've made myself a promise that I will finish this post and then toilet. Damn.

That's all for 2night.



odlecieć - fly away
"Come fly with me
Let's fly, let's fly away."
MB <3

SUMER.! <33
Hope I haven't pu this picture here before... Naaaa.. 

Bye - bye ;P

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Oh dear, sooo embarrassed by the fact it's been a week since I wrote something here... ;/

Why does everything I wanna buy is coming to me while I have NO money?!  -.-'
Easter is coming, which means money will be here soon too, so I wanna put here a list of things I wanna buy:

1. New phone
2. Polaroid <33
3. I don't want shoes with wheels anymore ;/ Now I wanna roller skates <3
Why they don't dell these anywhere? I'm buying on e-bay -.-
4. New gym suit
5. Everything *.*

Hmmm.... what else to say?
There's a coming up movie "suicide room" which is polish (;/) but a lot of people says it's a great touching triller. Is it really a triller? Donno. I'm wondering, should I go for it to the cinema? Cuz it sounds not so good. Think I'm just gonna torrent it when it's finally on DVD... Like never?

We are making a plushie for art class and my is god damn awesome ;] It's like a cat without a tail all in leopard fabric with hot pink parts. Also, there was like all of them put on a view and we found a retarded one and it was just kick-ass.

Shiiiiiiiiit soooo don't wanna go to the fuckin' school..... Why don't you just take a pill or so'in' to make you smarter? -.- It would be a lot easier that way... Ok I just hafta suvive those yyyyy 8 and a half years...

Dear God,
why the hell do we have to go to this stupid intitucion called school? Could it be something nicer instead?

Please answer my guestions
Your non- believer

My nails are violet with sparkle edges. COOL.

Why does my head just has to be full of those old songs? This one is really killing me right now:

Ok I'm going to sleep.... -.-'



lilia - lily


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Love is love. I support it.

Haw are you doing?
Cuz I'm feelin' pretty good. The weather is great.! I've been at our school court 2day skateboardin'  and it was fuckin' awesome ;) Then me and C went to a view point (??? ;P) and remembered the old times... God, I've lived so much, I have quite old memories. That's something.

'Bout title of this post - I mean I support gay love ;) Cuz what's wrong with bein' gay? Even having kind while you're gay with someone else helps get rid of the children from the orphanage. I would be proud if my parents were gay. I would mean that they new who they were and wasn't ashamed of it. Plus, gays don't chose to be gay ;) 

I had to put here a pic of my nails but I destroyed them from boredom ;P Now I'm making myself a pink - glittery nails. AWESOME *.* (i had lilia nails with mint spots ^.^ )

JT <3

I've got a crush on tea ;) I don't have the forest - fruits favor anymore ;/ Shiiiit.

Have you heard what happened to Japan? ;( 
This stupid tsunami is destroying everything.! But the good side of it is that they were warned, so they had time to hide! Only 30 minutes but that's quite a lot in such situation.

OMFG I wanna have a Polaroid! But real one, cuz my sis had one with some tiny photos coming out. I wanna have pink one.! And with normal size photos. I've heard they pretty expensive ;/ Shit, why I wanna buy sooo much things when I don't have money? Shoes with wheels, new phone, now polaroid... 

Ahhh this movie will be always on time.


dwa - two
two plus two is four.
Ohhh how sweet <33 (less than 33)


Saturday, March 12, 2011



I realized there ale some poeple commenting my blog from out of my environment. Thats nice ;)
Also, I saw somebody said that's gute nacht not guten nacht. Like, who TF cares? I'm from Poland,ok? I know that's pretty  close to Germany (you're lucky I'm writing your country with big letter in the begginning ;P), but I started to learn german from starting 7 grade -.- Anyway,  who the hell from Poland (you're lucky too) needs to know f-ing german? If I go abroad I will go to England or USA (of course for the first time, cuz then to Cali <3). Do German(s???) learn polish? Of course not. I would even like to learn Chinese or Japanese more ;/ 
I'm truly sorry, my neighbors, but your country brings to me some rather bad feelings ;P

Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, Kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
tell me u love me

Hahahahah guess from which song by who is this lyrics? ^.^ Right, Beyber tell me you love me ;*** Juuust kidding -.-

2day I really felf like it's summer already ;) The sun was beautiful. Terrific ^.^
Just listen to this song:
Good old times ;) The jokes in the clip still makes me laugh... Cuz I'm not Okay :P Gosh, why does every band has to turn into worst?
Have you noticed that the lead vocal of Fall Out Boy is ugly? I mean, in non of the bands I know the vocal is uglier than the rest (ok, than most of them). 

Ya know, I always have the same things opened in firefox when I'm writing a post:
- some music
- translate machine (google one)
- something to look for inspiration
- photobucket

Shiiiiitt I gotta write one post each day, cuz my views are going down down down down
It gets me so down down down down 
It gets me so down down down down.... ;)
Also everyone Blink182 (<333333333333333) are suuuper- dooooooper handsome. I'm gonna name my son Travi (if I would have one ). Just from Travi McCoy and Travi Barker. And the whole name is great.!

Hmmmm I gotta watch 'Secret' again... I can't remember any f-ing thing. ;/
I watched lately a half of "How do you know?" and the whole watching was like "WHAT THE FUUUUCK???". 

Oh and my nails are super awesome 2day ;D Gonna put some pics 2morro ;)

I'm laughin' cuz of this but what really kills me is that somebody is taking it serously o_O

Mission Impossible

upaść - fall
you can fall on you're knees, but be carefull to not fall on your face


I had another sushi 2day o_O homemade this time -.-' But what the hell? I ate like 3 sushies in this month...

Goodbye my fellas :]

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sushi ^.^

So 2day's Women Day or so'in' and I wanna wish you all, girls, everything that's pink, fancy and sweet :3

I don't really have a subject to write here about, so I guess I'm gonna start from the fact that I ate a delicous sushi like 20 minutes ago and it was great! Secondly have you ever realized that lots of people buy things you can very easily make? Like I donno... all that trashy jewelery? If you like it, you can just make it. Just like all the fancy dresses you see in stores. They are all very simple to make, but just nobody has time, ability, care or materials to do it. I would really loooove to sew something, but my mum doesn't let me use her machine. Well, I have my sisters but it's very small and doesn't have so many options as the big one. Oh, and it don't have a pedal so everytime I stop I hafta press on/off to turn it. ;/// Ok, maybe I can start from some small things like this:

Ok, you're right I AM going to do it ;]
I was considering selling stuff for making some more money for my new phone ;) I'll probably sell my watch and my shoes... I'm gonna miss them ;( But I'm not gonna say like that when I'll be holding in my hand a new mobile ;P

It's getting warmer and warmer! The weather is so much better right now! All the snow is almost gone and the sun is shining. I even wore my sunglasses 2day. Ya know, now it's a hard thing to do, cuz I have my glasses and I have sunglasses, so I hafta carry one of them in the bag and the other on my nose. The hardest thing is the change ;P

I don't wanna go to schooool tomorro ;// WHYYY?!



rekin- shark
did you know that most of the sharks don't eat people? they just do it in self protection ;)

That's me and my new phone ;P


Saturday, March 5, 2011

What's up?
Cuz 2day I was on the open day of my school. It was great. There were so many galleries and other fun stuff, the whole science equipment from class' was showed in the corridor. And the fun part is that me and my friend "was keeping an eye" on the computer class, well we did it for like 1 hour so we could do whatever we wanned to and the rest of time we were visiting all the cool things I said. And we'll have some extra points for that ;P

This Thursday was a Fat Thursday (or Donut Thursday?) !!!
Yeeeaaaaa! I ate 3 donuts actually but it was fun ;]
The first was from my dinners at school and the second I stole from my Art teacher. Muahahahahahhaha! I've just imagined her reading this. Not cool. And the third one was the most delicous donut ever! It was stuffed with pudding and had castor suger on the top. Ya-ma! But stealing that donut was the best. And because of that:


What else?
It was supposed to be spring now ;/  It's just a little bit warmer, but still there's soo much snow. So I guess I hafta say it again:

So as I want to learn some new languages that I can't decide which to choose I'll start by learnin' some simple words in French(?):
God, that's simple.

Shiiit.. I need to check some points in my resolution list ;) I think I'm gonna start from sewing:
This NICE photo reminded me of that.

Ok so at the end of this pretty post I'm goin' to put a funny picture and tell ya that Katy Perry  can't really handle her own song   as I saw on a video from her concert. 
Come on, show 'em what you weeeeere!


zagubiony - lost
Hahhaah, you know that I have never saw even a little part from this series?


OMFG I'm just walkin' all havin' a crush on sushi all day :}

Goodnight my fellas!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I don't remember inviting you to my tea party!


Hell yeaaa! It's 2nd of March and -6 degrees -.- But is't getting warmer....
So I've got a party weekend so I'm really exhosted :3

I watched Despicable Me and it was fuckin' awesome! The Sleepy Kittens book was just the best!

Ya know, I wanna new celephone ;P Here it is:
OMFG I want it sooo badly ;/
I have a pretty good plan how to earn some cash for it ;) I'm goin' to sell my cookie and muffin things and get 10zł for each order to make 400zł for the phone ;] Know that's really far but I'll try to do it.
Anyway, did I mentioned how I looove qwerty keyboards in mobile phones? That's just the best you can have in it, oh and internet access in very inportant too, like hangin on facebook all nights and posting notes with your qwerty keyboard? Shit, that's cool, kinda little computer in your bed ;]
Hmm... what else can I say? Also, I watched Grown Ups. Tht's a comedy with Adam Sandler. The whole climate of the movie was gr8, reminded me of so many things, think I'm gonna watch it again in bed on my EON ;)

Goooooooosh I wanna spring already ;/





 Ohh I had such fun with this scene ;D

popijać - sip
hahhahaah like in FG (forest gump xDD)
"Did you just EAT that whole cookie? You're not supposed to eat all of it. You take a bite, and a sip of milk; that's how the kids know Santa was here."
that's 2day's quote btw 

 This is a very nice photo ;)
