Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I don't remember inviting you to my tea party!


Hell yeaaa! It's 2nd of March and -6 degrees -.- But is't getting warmer....
So I've got a party weekend so I'm really exhosted :3

I watched Despicable Me and it was fuckin' awesome! The Sleepy Kittens book was just the best!

Ya know, I wanna new celephone ;P Here it is:
OMFG I want it sooo badly ;/
I have a pretty good plan how to earn some cash for it ;) I'm goin' to sell my cookie and muffin things and get 10zł for each order to make 400zł for the phone ;] Know that's really far but I'll try to do it.
Anyway, did I mentioned how I looove qwerty keyboards in mobile phones? That's just the best you can have in it, oh and internet access in very inportant too, like hangin on facebook all nights and posting notes with your qwerty keyboard? Shit, that's cool, kinda little computer in your bed ;]
Hmm... what else can I say? Also, I watched Grown Ups. Tht's a comedy with Adam Sandler. The whole climate of the movie was gr8, reminded me of so many things, think I'm gonna watch it again in bed on my EON ;)

Goooooooosh I wanna spring already ;/





 Ohh I had such fun with this scene ;D

popijać - sip
hahhahaah like in FG (forest gump xDD)
"Did you just EAT that whole cookie? You're not supposed to eat all of it. You take a bite, and a sip of milk; that's how the kids know Santa was here."
that's 2day's quote btw 

 This is a very nice photo ;)


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