I realized there ale some poeple commenting my blog from out of my environment. Thats nice ;)
Also, I saw somebody said that's gute nacht not guten nacht. Like, who TF cares? I'm from Poland,ok? I know that's pretty close to Germany (you're lucky I'm writing your country with big letter in the begginning ;P), but I started to learn german from starting 7 grade -.- Anyway, who the hell from Poland (you're lucky too) needs to know f-ing german? If I go abroad I will go to England or USA (of course for the first time, cuz then to Cali <3). Do German(s???) learn polish? Of course not. I would even like to learn Chinese or Japanese more ;/
I'm truly sorry, my neighbors, but your country brings to me some rather bad feelings ;P
Love me, Love me
Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, Kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
tell me u love me
Hahahahah guess from which song by who is this lyrics? ^.^ Right, Beyber tell me you love me ;*** Juuust kidding -.-
2day I really felf like it's summer already ;) The sun was beautiful. Terrific ^.^
Just listen to this song:
Good old times ;) The jokes in the clip still makes me laugh... Cuz I'm not Okay :P Gosh, why does every band has to turn into worst?
Have you noticed that the lead vocal of Fall Out Boy is ugly? I mean, in non of the bands I know the vocal is uglier than the rest (ok, than most of them).
Ya know, I always have the same things opened in firefox when I'm writing a post:
- some music
- translate machine (google one)
- something to look for inspiration
- photobucket
Shiiiiitt I gotta write one post each day, cuz my views are going down down down down
It gets me so down down down down
It gets me so down down down down.... ;)
Also everyone Blink182 (<333333333333333) are suuuper- dooooooper handsome. I'm gonna name my son Travi (if I would have one
Hmmmm I gotta watch 'Secret' again... I can't remember any f-ing thing. ;/
I watched lately a half of "How do you know?" and the whole watching was like "WHAT THE FUUUUCK???".
Oh and my nails are super awesome 2day ;D Gonna put some pics 2morro ;)
I'm laughin' cuz of this but what really kills me is that somebody is taking it serously o_O
Mission Impossible
upaść - fall
you can fall on you're knees, but be carefull to not fall on your face
I had another sushi 2day o_O homemade this time -.-' But what the hell? I ate like 3 sushies in this month...
Goodbye my fellas :]
OMG..... At first I thought that the title of the post was Mello and I started to be happy but then I saw the "Y" at the beginning... That was so sad...