Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sushi ^.^

So 2day's Women Day or so'in' and I wanna wish you all, girls, everything that's pink, fancy and sweet :3

I don't really have a subject to write here about, so I guess I'm gonna start from the fact that I ate a delicous sushi like 20 minutes ago and it was great! Secondly have you ever realized that lots of people buy things you can very easily make? Like I donno... all that trashy jewelery? If you like it, you can just make it. Just like all the fancy dresses you see in stores. They are all very simple to make, but just nobody has time, ability, care or materials to do it. I would really loooove to sew something, but my mum doesn't let me use her machine. Well, I have my sisters but it's very small and doesn't have so many options as the big one. Oh, and it don't have a pedal so everytime I stop I hafta press on/off to turn it. ;/// Ok, maybe I can start from some small things like this:

Ok, you're right I AM going to do it ;]
I was considering selling stuff for making some more money for my new phone ;) I'll probably sell my watch and my shoes... I'm gonna miss them ;( But I'm not gonna say like that when I'll be holding in my hand a new mobile ;P

It's getting warmer and warmer! The weather is so much better right now! All the snow is almost gone and the sun is shining. I even wore my sunglasses 2day. Ya know, now it's a hard thing to do, cuz I have my glasses and I have sunglasses, so I hafta carry one of them in the bag and the other on my nose. The hardest thing is the change ;P

I don't wanna go to schooool tomorro ;// WHYYY?!



rekin- shark
did you know that most of the sharks don't eat people? they just do it in self protection ;)

That's me and my new phone ;P



  1. you an your new phone is awesome,
    well - i can tell you've already decided to sell that watch ];-> ...exquisite...


  2. you mean Gute Nacht ?
    In this form it's without `n` .
