Thursday, August 30, 2012

do we have to go straight? no, we can go gay

today was quite a crazy day, me and my friends went to a barbecue party, it was really nice,we were such a no-lifes, we played this new game, which everyone is sooo excited about, Slender. When I was playing, the slenderman was like everywhere but near me and one time I turned around and he was standing right in front of me, scared as shit, I ran away from him. I have quite a lot to share with you today. Although I was out today the entire day I tried really hard to deal with everything. Especially I lost all of the photos I had to put in here yesterday, including leopard print on my nails which I don't have anymore and can't rephoto(?) it.... So here we gooo:

as you may see it's just another one of my wire arts, a cute heart ring. it's not to small or sth, it's just the way I like to wear rings lately. I had a bunch of them laying around, but I can't find any at the mo, I love it that I payed 1 dollar for 3 meters of this gold (i know at the photo it looks dirty, in real life it's gold) wire and to make a ring you need about 10 cm of it. whenever I lose one, I can just make another one :)

and btw these are the stuff I bought to make some rope bracelets :) underneath there are different colors of felt, what I need them for, you'll find out in a sec :)

and an artistic detail photo, for you to see how openwork are the brads, love them....

here's sth I've been working on today, like an hour ago :)

 I've been seeing this idea on manyy manyy sites and in stores, so I decided to kind of refresh my old zara sweater from a secondhand shop.  I'm super excited about this project!!!

It's all hand-sown (oh god). I wanted to put some photos of me wearing this, but there was none to take a photo, I failed to do it myself :)

to all of the people who think making motivation boards by your own is easy:

here are not all of the letters I cut out, some of them were lost in the process, I have to recut them :C I haven't even started the second board, but I absolutely love the effect of the first one, expect my wall in a ...week? :D

 and the delicous cupcakes MY SISTER made. they are so good as the ones in Cool Babes ^^ it's a cupcake bar in Gdansk, the best cupcakes ever!!!!
sorry for the retarded photos, I'm so tired after the party and I hate working in Photoshop with photos, all of them were weirdly yellow at the first place...

and as a cute ending to this post, me gorgeous cat, Pops. he really liked laying at the sausage today, was happy to get some sun this morning :)

tomorrow I'm going to the movies to see That's My Boy with Adam Sandler and Andy Samsberg, who I adore and haven't seen in a movie a long time. can't wait!
now just listening to One Direction ....

have a good night's sleep and I see you in another day, another life :)

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