Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm back!

Hey, hay, hello!

So I'm back in Gdansk and I'm just preparing to go back to school after winter break  ;)
I  really had a gr8 time at my cousins which I'm very thankful about! Luv ya guys! I figured out a week is perfect to go to my cousins. Cuz it's not too early to leave but long enough to get homesick. Ok, what can I miss? Warm water - extremely cold or hot as hell, Peorgey <3 , generally living in city, friends, coke, family and many more.
Goooooosh, I drank sooo muuch tea there, about 6-7 a day. But it was delicious!

Look what I found browsing internet:
I'm wondering how they did this. I guess just sew some fabric with tea in it. Hmmm... or there is something like a special tea fabric to do these? Cuz there is a little tea on the third one... Maybe it's just bought...
Whatever it is I'm going to make some and give it to somebody!

I watched so many FGs -.-'

You wouldn't believe what I just found out! There will be STARBUCKS in a shopping center (Manhattan if somebody asked) in Gdansk! I am soo excited!!! Like I'm going to go there for coffie just like in those American movies!
But I'm worried about the price a little bit, cuz everybody knows when something is from another country is a lot more expensive. But even if the coffie isn't too cheap I think I'll be able to afford a latte once a while!

Did you know I've been to Paris and visited the Eiffel Tower??? ^.^
on Google Maps ;P
Ok, here's a little quote:


eggshell - skorupka jajka
I hate eggs ;( Even on Easter I eat only chocolate ones. God, I realized Easter is coming!


Drink of the week - TEA <3



  1. You are obsessed with tea. I frobid you to drink it!

  2. Cause, you're an english gentleman.
