Thursday, January 20, 2011

My bloggin' thoughts


Ok, I thought a looot about how to make my blog more interesting and fun and I came up with an idea of putting in each post:
a quote of the post- I'll just write here a quote that got into my mind during the day ^^ 
keep calm thing- make or find a cool keep calm picture and put it in here
word of the post- find a random word in a dictionary, also with polish meaning, so that you - American people could learn something in polish ;) and there will be an opinion of this word - you'll know me a little better :3
picture of the post- a nice picture I found ;D
dish of the post- do I hafta explain this?

Hhahahahah it will be so much fun!

Ok, let's give it a try ;)

I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.
                                                     ~Bertrand Russell


 melancholy- melancholijny
they are really similar ;P polish isn't so hard ;) ok, hmmm.... I don't like melancholy things, rather relaxing ;]

CUTE! ;3

I just ate a little tortilla pizza - it's YAMA!

Like it?
Bye! ;*

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